Looking back on the module and the work that I have produced I have created a lot more work than I expected, I managed my time through each brief giving myself time scales for things to be completed by. I am happy with the outcomes the briefs. The briefs that I initially planned to do changed over time due to realising as much as I would have loved to do have done them there just wasn't enough hours in the day.
I have collaborated with a lot of creatives on other courses' during this module, this has been incredibly useful seeing how other people work and how we can work to each others benefit. I have released the importance of collaboration and not with just people that do graphic design. Collaborating with photographers showing them grids and layout design and fashion students the importance of branding and consistency, they have also taught me a lot about editing photos. I decided to collaborate with the people as they proposed interesting projects that we could bounce ideas off each other.
I would love to have had more time on certain briefs but it came to a point where I had to call it a day and move on, there is never enough time within designing I have learnt that through placement and extended practice.
I wanted to use extended practice to get briefs together that I would like in my portfolio to take into the real world. I wanted to create work I actually liked so I chose briefs of interest. My main interests are branding and publication design for print so there was a lot of print design created. If I had more time on briefs such as Bootees and Breathe I would of liked to have created a web mock up, this could be something I develop after uni for my portfolio. I really would love to have learnt the basics of web design as I think this would be something I would enjoy however there just wasn't enough time to teach myself, this again will be something I would like to develop after college.
In the future I would like to make my designs more conceptual as sometimes I think I make things just because it looks nice. I have really developed my love of print in this module and have realised that I only want to design for print to get a physical copy of the design.
I have developed new skills on the Adobe suite this year just from spending so long on them and wanting to find out how to design in different ways using Youtube to guide me.
I am excited for the end of year show, to develop something for a exhibition environment on a large scale for many other people to see. I am happy with the way my portfolio and website are developing these are both things I will always revise in the future. My confidence within my work and my ability to talk about my work has grown which will be useful for future interviews. This module has been great being in charge of my own briefs, managing my time and creating design I like, entering competitions and collaborating.
Looking back this has been my favourite module throughout my time at Leeds College of Art, it has been a lot of stressful hard work however looking back at the work I have produced I have created a lot more than I ever expected. I am ready to leave college now happy with my portfolio to hopefully get myself into the design industry.
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