Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Today, I went to the DandAD briefing in which the professionals came in. I have been looking at the DandAD briefs and I am thinking of possibly doing the John Lewis, Desperados and maybe the Monotype brief. 

They went through a couple of briefs in more detail

John Lewis:
• Designing a window of the future

• Designing type for a cause 
• Emotion 
• A chance to get angry

There was a few videos they had to show us and some good quotes from professionals one being:

'if you are not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original' 

'Bake the idea before you ice the cake' 

The three things that DandAD look for are:

• Does it have a great creative idea?
• Is it well executed?
• Is it on brief? 

Also think about going beyond the brief

Winning tips!


Give them an insite, something they can connect to 

They gave us a brief (above) and a small workshop of how to refine the brief and pick out the main things. We started by putting the brief in 16 words and kept cutting it down until it was just 2 words defining what the brief was. 

Insights on the brief :

Why creatives would not want to push boundaries
Fear of being wrong
Fear of judgement 
Following trends

Monday, 2 November 2015

Cheese Society- Eat and Greet Event

The Eat and Greet is the first event of the Cheese Society this year. The aim of the event is to bring all cheese lovers together for the first time of the year reunite and chat over cheese, wine and beer. The night was held at Friends of Ham in Leeds, a good location as they sell a lot of cheese too. Everyone brought their favorite cheese as a conversation starter. The night was a success, we got people to sign up and become members for the year and receive their ‘cheese on tote’ bag.